






明志塾在学术上的目标是让学生们在三年之内成为国际化的一流人才,并进入国际一流大学学习。要做到这一点,雅思、SAT这些标化考试的成绩必不可少。这个学期,在学习方面,我们的雅思考试提上了日程。“IELTS 雅思是International English Language Testing System(国际英语语言测试制度) 的简称。它是为准备进入以英语为主导教学语言的国家的高等教育机构就读进修而设的语言测试制度。目前也用于测试准备到以英语为母语的国家”。为了帮助大家理解目前中国学生的雅思水平,分享给大家一些数据作为参考和对比:

































The academic goal of MingZhi Academy is to convert normal students into top-ranking, international talents, and study in internationally prestigious universities. To do this, standardized test scores like the SAT and the IELTS are crucial. This semester, taking the IELTS test has become a part of our agenda in the general goal.” 

IELTS” is the abbreviation for” International English Language Testing System”. It is a language testing system for students who are prepared to study in higher education institutions in countries where English is the dominant language of lecturing. To give you a bigger picture of the English ability of present-day Chinese students, there is some information I’d like to share with you for reference and comparison: 

  • In 2021, Chinese students taking the IELTS test get an average band score of 5.8. 

  • World ranking of IELTS testing scores: China was located in 32nd place.

  • High school students (around 18) can get a band score of 5 on average.

As you can see from the information provided above, the English levels of Chinese students today do not look promising at all. This semester, as a part of the academy, I participated in the IELTS studying program and accomplished the job ahead of time– achieving an average of 7.5 in listening, reading, speaking, and writing. What can I do with this band score? Here’s another set of data:

  • The minimum requirement of IELTS grades for Thailand university enrollment is 5 to 5.5.

  • As for world-class institutions (like Oxford and Cambridge), the minimum score acceptable is 7.

In other words, it is theoretically feasible to apply for any university on earth with this band score. Students who can achieve such a score at 15 years old and with merely 3 months of preparation are few, and I am lucky enough to become one of “the few”.

Actually, during the period of preparing for the test, some of my classmates also reached a score of 6, 6.5, and 7. As for the band score of 7.5, it is not a legendary existence in the New Education circle, because it is the lowest score allowed if you want to study in the most distinguished school in our circle– the B.O Trilingual High school. 

What does it imply? It means that there are actually a group of people who can get such a score. Something extremely difficult in others’ eyes seems like a natural process for me and my friends. So how did I easily become a curve wrecker? And how did I got the score specifically? In today’s speech, I will share this with you.

1, Having an accomplished teacher showing the way of progress, is one of the biggest blessings in one’s life.

Teachers have always played an important role in all my years of studying. Unlike teachers from traditional schools, where the teacher acts as the porter of knowledge and does not get good results, the teachers mentioned here are the ones that can truly help us with disabusing and teaching knowledge of life.

In New Education, the core mission for educators is to lead students towards a brighter future, allowing the latter generations surpass the former ones no matter what their abilities might be. Therefore, in daily teachings, teachers always pay more attention to developing our passion for studying, adjusting our attitudes, teaching studying methods. And what’s more important than lecturing, is to resolve our problems in time, balancing our personalities, enabling us to focus on our goal at any moment. In summary, our teachers do the things that we won’t and can’t do.

First of all, teachers ignite our hearts for challenging and breaking through ourselves. When there is a teacher alongside guiding us through when we encounter a problem, all hard things just seem a lot simpler. Just like the time when we first started studying for the IELTS test, ordinary people would think that IELTS is too complicated for a 15-year-old. But our teacher provides us with a different perspective: taking the IELTS test at 15 years old is something that common people wouldn’t even think of, but if I can do this, I will become the few that would make history, and write a glorious record for my life. The outstanding ones have the guts and ability do things that others dread and cannot. 

Through the teacher’s guidance, many important faiths of the achiever have taken root in our hearts. Among these are things such as “I can do it”, etc. Such beliefs will help us cultivate a state of moderation when we are faced with challenges like the IELTS test, knowing that I can do all the things that others can. The will to break through is the thing that our teacher had been working on, and the main driving force in our studies.

Secondly, during the course of breaking through IELTS, the teacher had been our pathfinder in terms of learning methods. All the materials used in our study were gathered and researched by our teacher, spending a great amount of time and effort. He found the best teacher in all four parts of listening, reading, writing, and speaking so that we can learn directly from the best teacher in the world. Additionally, when we have clogs in our study process, like a misunderstood knowledge point, our teacher will do what he can to deliver his understanding. When students are confused about their learning progress or project, they will find a teacher to assist them with analyzing the goal for the next stage, which enables us to get immediate feedback from our studies. 

Lastly, our teacher is constantly maintaining our course, adjusting us if someone goes off. Even with the correct method and goodwill, hardships and vicissitudes in mental status are hard to avoid. At this time, the teacher’s function is to dispel doubts, dragging us back to the right course. For example, when the first group of students signed up for the actual test, some of us started to show signs of stress, even considering whether to change the date of testing. The teacher quickly gathered us for a small meeting when he learned about the situation and told us there was nothing to worry about. He told us that he is not worried about our abilities in English, and said that we can all get good scores. Most importantly, he informed us that it would not be a good example for other students if we panicked. The first echelon must set up a good example for others. Since then, I have not worried about my final grades even once. 

Before leaving for the exam, our teacher prepared some wise counsel for us, helping us maintain a stable mindset throughout the test. The three pieces of advice will play their part before, during, and after the test, reminding us how to deal with pressures before the test and how to regard our grades. 

In conclusion, because of good teachers leading our way, the IELTS studying program went well from the beginning.

2, Having helpful friends advancing together, it is hard not to keep up the pace.

It has been deemed by some that it is a pleasure to do something together with people who possess common goals. Fortunately, I have had this opportunity in MingZhi academy. This semester, being able to study with a group of peers who possess the same objective and appreciate each other, makes life here happy and fragrant.

In our academy, there is a group named “Suicide Squad”. Our goal is to try the risks for ourselves, utilizing all the learning methods and materials, selecting the best combination for the rest of the students. As the first echelon of the academy, as the first team in the IELTS annihilation warfare, we are proud to take on the responsibilities. A group of 6 started the siege with these missions.

During the whole battle of IELTS, all squad members shared information and experience, and we regularly hold a meeting specially held to comfort each other. This is because every once in a while, some of us have been crushed by our mock test results, and become discouraged. Every time this occurs, we gather together to comfort and encourage each other, so we can keep on fighting the battle with vitality and faith. Such meetings not only boost our team morale but also maintain our optimistic mentality, setting up a good example for others.

We also frequently hold study sharing sessions, gather recent learning experiences, and share them with other classmates. This made us realize the magic of the law of the universe. The more we shared with others, the more we felt motivated, at the same time progressing even faster. When we are focusing on studying, our classmates also helped us in their own way– they never doubted our English abilities, nor did they ever feel doubtful about our mock test band scores. All they did was cheer for us alongside, and hope that we can get a fine score in the final exam. They also gave good feedback to our sharing sessions. Before we left for the exam, everyone said farewell sincerely and hoped together for a triumphant return.

Learning in such a friendly environment has made the 6 of us feel more and more confident, and feel that we can accomplish the task.

3, Passing through adolescence with my own sureness and endeavor.

Looking from the physical truth, no one can achieve a band score of 7.5 in 3 months with absolutely no basic English abilities. Therefore, except for the environment that my classmates and teachers and I built together that helped me, another factor contributing to this is the fundamental English skills that I had gained through years of following New Education. 

Many people started learning English in their youth, but most of them didn’t end up very well. I am lucky to learn about the natural English learning technique in New Education. The real improvement in my English skills started when I entered the breakthrough class in Today academy. As luck would have it, my teacher back then was Mr. Zhong. To this day, I always feel rejoiced when I remember that I had the opportunity to study in that class, felicitating that I can get hold of such an efficient way of learning, instead of memorizing vocabulary like many other people. 

When others are struggling on the traditional route of learning English, my classmates and I are galloping happily on the faster and efficient route made by New Education– learning movie acting, dubbing, documentaries, speeches, using the learning while playing method is way more productive than the traditional vocabulary and grammar way. At the time, my classmates and I used the method for a semester, and we could achieve barrier-free daily communication in English after studying for a mere 4.5 months and reached good results in dubbing and acting movies. 

Other than that, under the studying method of New Education, I had always been the type that is passionate about learning. As a boy, the playful nature of our kind had also appeared on me. Only I had discovered that studying was the best game in the world, so I would naturally spend more time on “playing study”. With this mentality, I was pretty concentrated and hardheaded on the attitudes, and can always reach the top of the class easily while following the teacher’s footsteps. 

Besides my everyday studies, I am very fond of reading and enjoy reading every kind of book. Even if a book seems tough and arduous to read for others, I could enjoy it just as well.

Humans are animals driven by our sense of achievement, and it has driven me towards a positive circulation. As time passed, I had become a study machine in the eyes of others.

Thomas Edison once said: genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Consequently, a genius is not made instinctive or inborn but molded through fortunate choices and great efforts. So, what I have achieved to this day can be done by anyone else, because the right and efficient method is never secreted, and perspiration is something that all humans are born with.

It is because of New Education and MingZhi academy that we ordinary children can have a chance of taking shortcuts and becoming “geniuses”, and so we must all be grateful for it. 

Thank you.











